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B Pharmacy 2nd Semester notes

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 1


 Unit 1  Biomolecules Introduction, classification, chemical nature and biological role of carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and proteins. Bioenergetics Concept of free energy, ...

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 2


 Unit 2  Carbohydrate metabolism Glycolysis – Pathway, energetics and significance Citric acid cycle- Pathway, energetics and significance HMP shunt and its significance; Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase ...

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 3


 Unit 3  Lipid metabolism β-Oxidation of saturated fatty acid (Palmitic acid) Formation and utilization of ketone bodies; ketoacidosis De novo synthesis of fatty acids ...

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 5


 Unit 5  Enzymes Introduction, properties, nomenclature and IUB classification of enzymes Enzyme kinetics (Michaelis plot, Line Weaver Burke plot) Enzyme inhibitors with examples Regulation ...

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 4


 Unit 4  Nucleic acid metabolism and genetic information transfer Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides Catabolism of purine nucleotides and Hyperuricemia and Gout disease ...

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 1


 Unit 1  Classification, nomenclature and isomerism Classification of Organic Compounds Common and IUPAC systems of nomenclature of organic compounds (up to 10 Carbons open ...

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 2


 Unit 2  Alkanes*, Alkenes* and Conjugated dienes* SP3 hybridization in alkanes, Halogenation of alkanes, uses of paraffins. Stabilities of alkenes, SP2 hybridization in alkenes ...

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 3


 Unit 3  Alkyl halides* SN1 and SN2 reactions – kinetics, order of reactivity of alkyl halides, stereochemistry and rearrangement of carbocations. SN1 versus SN2 ...

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 4


 Unit 4  Carbonyl compounds* (Aldehydes and ketones) Nucleophilic addition, Electromeric effect, aldol condensation, Crossed Aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, Crossed Cannizzaro reaction, Benzoin condensation, Perkin ...

Pharmaceutical Orgenic Chemistry 1 | Unit 5


 Unit 5  Carboxylic acids* Acidity of carboxylic acids, effect of substituents on acidity, inductive effect and qualitative tests for carboxylic acids ,amide and ester ...