B. Pharmacy 4th Semester All Notes PDF

B. Pharmacy 4th Semester Handwritten Notes MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY – 1 Medicinal Chemistry: Building Cures Molecule by Molecule Medicinal chemistry is the science of designing and creating new drugs. Chemists in this field: Design molecules to interact with specific disease targets.Use their chemistry skills to synthesize these molecules.Improve the drug’s safety, effectiveness, and how the body … Read more

Biochemistry Notes | Unit 4

 Unit 4  Nucleic acid metabolism and genetic information transfer Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides Catabolism of purine nucleotides and Hyperuricemia and Gout disease Organization of mammalian genome Structure of DNA and RNA and their functions DNA replication (semi conservative model) Transcription or RNA synthesis Genetic code, Translation or Protein synthesis and inhibitors DOWNLOAD

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 1

 Unit 1  Classification, nomenclature and isomerism Classification of Organic Compounds Common and IUPAC systems of nomenclature of organic compounds (up to 10 Carbons open chain and carbocyclic compounds) Structural isomerisms in organic compounds DOWNLOAD

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 2

 Unit 2  Alkanes*, Alkenes* and Conjugated dienes* SP3 hybridization in alkanes, Halogenation of alkanes, uses of paraffins. Stabilities of alkenes, SP2 hybridization in alkenes E1 and E2 reactions – kinetics, order of reactivity of alkyl halides, rearrangement of carbocations, Saytzeffs orientation and evidences. E1 verses E2 reactions, Factors affecting E1 and E2 reactions. Ozonolysis, electrophilic … Read more

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 3

 Unit 3  Alkyl halides* SN1 and SN2 reactions – kinetics, order of reactivity of alkyl halides, stereochemistry and rearrangement of carbocations. SN1 versus SN2 reactions, Factors affecting SN1 and SN2 reactions Structure and uses of ethylchloride, Chloroform, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, dichloromethane, tetrachloromethane and iodoform.   Alcohols* Qualitative tests, Structure and uses of Ethyl alcohol, Methyl alcohol, … Read more

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry 1 | Unit 4

 Unit 4  Carbonyl compounds* (Aldehydes and ketones) Nucleophilic addition, Electromeric effect, aldol condensation, Crossed Aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, Crossed Cannizzaro reaction, Benzoin condensation, Perkin condensation, qualitative tests, Structure and uses of Formaldehyde, Paraldehyde, Acetone, Chloral hydrate, Hexamine, Benzaldehyde, Vanilin, Cinnamaldehyde. DOWNLOAD

Pharmaceutical Orgenic Chemistry 1 | Unit 5

 Unit 5  Carboxylic acids* Acidity of carboxylic acids, effect of substituents on acidity, inductive effect and qualitative tests for carboxylic acids ,amide and ester Structure and Uses of Acetic acid, Lactic acid, Tartaric acid, Citric acid, Succinic acid. Oxalic acid, Salicylic acid, Benzoic acid, Benzyl benzoate, Dimethyl phthalate, Methyl salicylate and Acetyl salicylic acid   … Read more

Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Unit 1

 Unit 1  Introduction, history of microbiology, its branches, scope and its importance. Introduction to Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Study of ultra-structure and morphological classification of bacteria, nutritional requirements, raw materials used for culture media and physical parameters for growth, growth curve, isolation and preservation methods for pure cultures, cultivation of anaerobes, quantitative measurement of bacterial growth … Read more

Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Unit 3

 Unit 3  Study of morphology, classification, reproduction/replication and cultivation of Fungi and Viruses. Classification and mode of action of disinfectants Factors influencing disinfection, antiseptics and their evaluation. For bacteriostatic and bactericidal actions Evaluation of bactericidal & Bacteriostatic. Sterility testing of products (solids, liquids, ophthalmic and other sterile products) according to IP, BP and USP. DOWNLOAD

Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Unit 2

 Unit 2  Identification of bacteria using staining techniques (simple, Gram’s &Acid fast staining) and biochemical tests (IMViC). Study of principle, procedure, merits, demerits and applications of physical, chemical gaseous,radiation and mechanical method of sterilization. Evaluation of the efficiency of sterilization methods. Equipments employed in large scale sterilization. Sterility indicators. DOWNLOAD